Shoot Once - Look Twice

Old Town, Hoi An, Vietnam

Street photography is inherently fast action.  Sometimes you find a background and wait until the right subject steps into the right place, but then the timing still has to be fast action.  Sometimes you are wandering along on the look out and something pops into view and you grab it and hope that you got your focus right.  But, sometimes you are shooting something entirely different and then when you are going through the photos later you see something you didn't know was there.  Such was the case in a post I did a few weeks ago entitled "What???".  That is also the case on this photo.  I was actually trying out  a Platypod Ultra that I had bought for this trip so I could have a "tripod" if I needed it.  I was going for the many hanging lanterns after dark and frankly wasn't paying too much attention to the people in the photos.  Today as I was going through the photos specifically to tag the ones that I felt made good Street Photography shots I saw this and debated for a second and then looked a second time (Shoot Once - Look Twice) and noticed the serious, concerned look on the lady on the left side while on her phone, and she didn't move for the full second of the exposure, while the hustle and bustle of the world goes on around her.  I also noticed that most of the feet were stationary for that one second while the rest of the bodies were in motion.  The more I look at this photo the better I like it.  What are your thoughts?

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